Artists Are Necessary Workers

Take Action

Join the movement of artists, educators, cultural workers and audiences, in acknowledging Artists Are Necessary Workers.

SHARE the #ArtistsAreNecessaryWorkers Video & Graphics

Video by Nel Shelby Productions
Video Editor - Amber Schmiesing
Assistant Video Editor - Mason Chapello

This campaign video was curated by Dance/NYC, from more than 150 video submissions from a cross-section of dance workers from choreographer to educator to administrator to fundraiser displaying our strength and power in numbers as a community. Due to the overwhelming amount of submissions, we were only able to include a portion of the videos for this compilation. However, in the next twelve weeks as the #ArtistsAreNecessaryWorkers campaign continues, we will be sharing the many more video submissions on our social media channels. Included above are Alice Sheppard, Andrea Miller, Donald Borror, Eduardo Vilaro, Ephrat Asherie, Josh Prince, Maleek Washington, Lane Harwell, Marjani Forté-Saunders, Mark Morris, Tiffany Rea-Fisher, among a few others. This is the full list of artist submissions.  

Media Kit


CREATE your own videos using the sticker + hashtag #ArtistsAreNecessaryWorkers.
"My name is... I am... dancer, choreographer, arts administrator, dance patron...
And I believe that Artists Are Necessary Workers."

Download Sticker


TUNE IN to our free Facebook Live Conversation Series, launching Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Dance/NYC is hosting a series of transparent conversations with arts workers highlighting the importance of the arts ecology, pointing to current challenges and offering considerations on our way forward as a field.



ACTIVATE the campaign by creating your own event, action or organizing around the core theme of ArtistsAreNecessaryWorkers. 


#DanceIsDignifiedLabor #DanceWorkforceResilience #dancenyc #nycdance


Dance/NYC convening is made possible, in part, by leadership support from the Howard Gilman Foundation and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts.



Dance/NYC seeks partners and speakers with a variety of viewpoints for its events with the goal of generating discussion. The inclusion of any partner or speaker does not constitute an endorsement by Dance/NYC of that partner's or speaker's views.




TERRESTRIAL: The Sprout by Makini, March 13-15

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