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Music Video Casting

 Hi there. I am a goth electronica recording artist. The reason I am placing this add is because I soon will be shooting the music video for the first single off my new album. The song is entitled “Modern Monsters”, and you can listen…


Walk the runway with Larry Keigwin!

Walk the runway with Larry Keigwin! For Fashion's Night Out, Larry is choreographing the largest public fashion show in NYC history, presented by Vogue during this fall's Fashion Week. KEIGWIN + COMPANY is now recruiting 180 volunteers for a special,…


Aspiring Youth Dancers for Volunteers

Brooklyn's Finest Dance Studios, Home of the Tropical Image Dancers is seeking volunters whom may need community credits and the opportunity to work aside one of the latin dance industries top performers.…


Volunteers Downtown Dance Festival

Volunteers will work with staff from Battery Dance Company to present the 29th Annual Downtown Dance Festival, a free roving event held each summer in Lower Manhattan parks, plazas and piers. The festival invites audiences to enjoy seven days of ethnic,…


Call for Artists--FREE Dance Performance Opportunity

In-Sight Dance Company is looking for 2-3 dance companies to perform as guest artists in In-Sight's Suite Summer Performance on July 23rd and 24th at 8pm at the Secret Theatre in Long Island City.  This will be a fully produced performance with a…


Receptionist Volunteer for Dance Schoo

Paterson Dance Centre located in Paterson, New Jersey seeks volunteer receptionist to work the front desk during business hours.  Dance background preferred but not mandatory.  As compensation, volunteer will receive free classes.Resumes/Inquiries…


Flyer & Get Free Tkts to Armitage Gone! Dance

Help Armitage Gone! Dance distribute postcards to dance studios and select theaters, performance spaces and galleries for our upcoming performances  June 3 - 6, 2010 and receive free ticket(s) to see Armitage's THREE THEORIES at the theater at Cedar…


Gibney Dance Volunteers for Spring Gala!

Volunteers Needed for Spring Gala!! Gibney Dance Art + Action Gala 2010 is quickly approaching and we need volunteers! It will be held on Wednesday, May 19 at the Ailey Citigroup Theater (405 West 55th Street) from 6:30 pm to 11 pm and will include…



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