Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gibney Dance Volunteers for Spring Gala!

Volunteers Needed for Spring Gala!!

Gibney Dance Art + Action Gala 2010 is quickly approaching and we need volunteers!

It will be held on Wednesday, May 19 at the Ailey Citigroup Theater (405 West 55th Street) from 6:30 pm to 11 pm and will include a cocktail, silent auction, performance and after-party with a DJ.

We will need your help between 5 pm and 11pm and will organize shifts in a way that will allow everyone to enjoy themselves.

If you are interested in helping out, please respond to stephanie@ginagibneydance.org with your contact information (name + email + phone #). Shifts will include welcoming guests, helping to set up our space and silent auction, coat check, ushering and packing up. If you have any preference, please let me know. And don't hesitate to forward to your friends.

Many Thanks!
Gibney Dance

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