Friday, June 25, 2010

Call for artists-FREE Performance Opportunity

In-Sight Dance Company is looking for 2-3 dance companies to perform as guest artists in In-Sight's Suite Summer Performance on July 23rd and 24th at 8pm at the Secret Theatre in Long Island City.  This will be a fully produced performance with a 70 seat house.  We are happy to offer is a great opportunity to show your work at no cost to you!

Length: 5 to 7 minutes (solo sections should be no longer than 3 minutes)

Number of People: Pieces should be performed by a small group-5 people or less. 

Quality: Please submit only completed works that are performance ready. 

Production: Special lighting will be limited.  No props or set please.

Required Dates:
July 21st Dress Rehearsal at DANY Studios in Midtown from 6 to 10pm
July 22nd Tech/Dress starting at 4pm
Show dates: 
Friday July 23rd 8pm (6pm call)
Saturday July 24th 8pm (6pm call)

Submission Process:
Please e-mail us at with the following--
- Name of Company (or Choreographer if independent)
- Name of Choreographer (if different)
- Contact person (if different)
- Website
- Name of Piece
- Length of Piece
- Music (title, artist)
- Number of Dancers
- BRIEF description
- BRIEF mission/artist statement
- Link to video of proposed work.  If a link is not available...invite us to a rehearsal! 
- Optional: Link to work samples.
- Contact Phone Number
- Contact E-mail Address
- Location (Borough)
Deadline: July 5th
Please note: Preference will be given to Queens based dance companies, but this is an open submission process. 

If you are interested and have any questions or are not able to fulfill any of this information, feel free to contact Leeanne M. G-Bowley, Artistic/Executive Director at
In-Sight Dance Company believes in supporting artists!

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