Thursday, June 10, 2010

MariaColacoDance company hiring male & female dancers/actors

NYC based modern dance company, MariaColacoDance is casting a reprise of the dance theatre work EYE CANDY. This evening length work premiered at the New York International Fringe Festival to packed audiences, receiving rave reviews.

Looking for 3 – 4 male and female dance and theatre artists who are experienced with modern dance, acting, partnering, text, and pick up lines.

Show goes up in the fall in NYC. Rehearsals start in August. Paid project.

EYE CANDY explores the obsession of every generation and species...mating!

This work blends athletic, dynamic, original contemporary dance with raw dramatic theatre, encouraging a playful dialogue between the two. 

Audition will be held FRIDAY JUNE 25th from 10am-12pm at DANY Studios (305 W 38th Street). To schedule an audition appointment or for more information, email photo and resume to

To read more about the show, check out this link:


MariaColacoDance strives to move modern dance into new territory by seeking an unconventional audience, encouraging experimentation and innovation, and by integrating the familiar and vernacular into an art form that is too often seen as foreign and unknown.

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