Friday, July 16, 2010

Voice of Dance: Editorial Internship

Voice of Dance is pleased to announce that it now offers editorial internships for undergraduate students who are passionate about dance and want to learn more about dance criticism and online publishing. These internships occur on a ten week cycle with the next cycle starting September 13th and ending November 19th, 2010. Interns are expected to work 8-10 hours per week and will be compensated with $225 per week. No commute or transportation is necessary as all work can be done remotely. As the VOD editorial intern you will become the Voice of Dance Editor for the 10 week period. You will be able to follow your passions in dance and publish stories that are interesting to you. Specific duties of the VOD editorial intern include:
• Writing 2 “think” pieces, working closely with an established dance critic to edit each piece, and publishing them on
• Updating the Dance Wire daily with new articles
• Updating the Dance Video of the Day
• Managing the National Dance Calendar
• Conducting Video interviews with audience members at one performance event
This internship is a valuable opportunity for students to explore the field of dance criticism, gain noteworthy online publishing experience, work independently, and share their love for dance with the world.

To apply for the editorial internship, please send résumé and two writing samples (preferably dance related) to Please include “Editorial Internship” in the subject line. The application deadline for the 10-week internship cycle starting September 13th is September 1st, 2010. However, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis for future cycles. Preference will be given to dance majors/minors and journalism majors with a strong interest in dance. However, other students with a strong interest in dance writing are also encouraged to apply.

Please visit for more information about the company.

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