Monday, January 17, 2011

Lydia Johnson Dance Audition

 LJD Audition for Men and Women<!--StartFragment-->

January 30th, 1:00-4:00

Peridance Capezio Center, 126 East 13th Street


LJD is seeking highly musical and individual dancers with strong ballet technique for contemporary work.  Full company and apprentice positions are available for performances this Spring and Summer in New Jersey and New York.  LJD generally rehearses in NYC on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday afternoons and offers competitive performance pay.  Dancers are encouraged to register in advance by emailing  

For more information on the company, please go to:


To get a glimpse of the company in action, come to Lydia Johnson Dance’s studio performance at Peridance! 

Sunday, January 23rd, 7:30pm


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