Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Summer Intensive Auditions: New York

This diverse training program for pre-professional dancers ages 10-21 results in technical refinement and artistic growth. Students are placed into one of three levels according to their technical ability and
participate in a culminating presentation. Admission to the program is by audition only.
A minimum of two years of ballet training required.

New York Auditions
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ballet Hispanico Studios
11:00am – 12:00pm: Ages 13 – 15
12:15pm – 1:15pm : Ages 16 & up

Aspiring professional dancers pursue a unique curriculum of Ballet, Spanish Dance, and Contemporary techniques. World-class instruction from Caridad Martinez of Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Martha Graham Company star Terese Capucilli and BH principal dancers Nicholas Villeneuve, Jessica Alejandra Wyatt and Irene Hogarth-Cimino

For more information, click here

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