Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Insectinside Seeks Stage Manager

 Insectinside Seeking Stage Manager:
For insectinside. www.groundedaerial.com
This is a show that is expanding.  Great experience with professional dancers/actors/and aerialists.  We have a production team, funding, and will soon have a paid extended run.
The requirements are:

Must be highly efficient and willing to help with scheduling as well as general stage management.  Must be able to help organize details for a cast of 14 actors, dancers, and aerialists throughout four evening-length performances.  Must be available for rehearsals (full show run-throughs) around once a week (generally on Fridays) up until the show.
You will be assisting with the lightboard/soundboard. 
Outstanding experience to interact with the professional world and develop with in a creative community.

Definite dates for dress and show: April 25-29. You will be called to other rehearsals as necessary.
Pay: $200

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