Thursday, May 12, 2011

Artist Representative / Full Time position



Job Description: Artist Representative

Position available: Full time, beginning July 1, 2011

The new Artist Representative will join the Pentacle Booking Department. We assign representatives to artists, not geographic “territories,” and so you will be solely responsible for some of the dance artists/companies who comprise two of our rosters, one of them being ‘Metropolitan Intersections’. This is a diverse group of younger dance troupes who together exemplify the cultural and aesthetic contrasts to be found in America’s vibrant cities. With the guidance of your more experienced colleagues, you will:

- help the artists on the Metropolitan Intersections roster define their programs, describe their residency offerings, develop their marketing materials, set touring fees and determine other relevant parameters;- identify and develop working relationships with presenters around the country likely to be interested in these dance-makers and initiate contacts accordingly;attend booking conferences at which presenters congregate and follow-up contacts initiated with calls, e-mails and materials;follow-up presenter leads furnished by your colleagues from other conferences;manage the presenter-artist-representative communication process including issuing and executing engagement contracts;- track the ensuing experience of all parties so as to monitor the quality of our (and the artist’s) services and to foster repeat business.

As a member of the Pentacle “team,” you will help organize and staff our participation in booking conferences and our showcases at the national Arts Presenters conference in January; you will oversee your artists’ booking materials and contracts, you will participate in weekly Booking Department meetings and monthly Pentacle-wide staff meetings. You will eventually become an integral part of our artist selection process.

You must be experienced in booking, a contemporary dance aficionado and ‘self-starter’ with excellent time management, writing, communication and organizational skills. Familiarity with Windows, Microsoft Word and social networking software is essential.

Pentacle is a non-profit equal opportunity employer.

E-mail resume to Your cover letter will be your first writing sample.

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