Friday, December 2, 2011

Call for male and female dancers!

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Call for male and female dancers!

Brooklyn-based dance/theater company, Leanne Schmidt and Company, is looking for 3 dancers (with a sense of humor) to join the company for their annual season at Triskelion Arts, April 19-21, 2012. 

Leanne Schmidt and Company's mission is to recruit new dance audience by presenting dance that is human, vulnerable and accessible. Schmidt's works explore that which is innately human about us all, diving into the depths of vulnerability with a cast of characters that are equal parts glee and tragedy. Strong technique, improvisation skills (movement and text), interest in a collaborative process and a sense of humor are a must. 

Must commit to rehearsals Thursdays, January 19 through April 12, 1-3pm at Triskelion Arts. Show days are Wednesday April 18-21 (6pm call). Dancers must be available for every rehearsal and show. This is an unpaid (unfortunately) gig. 


Audition date:

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 from 7-10pm. 

Triskelion Arts

118 N. 11th St. 

3rd Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11211

Studio A


Visit for more information about the company. Visit for more info about Triskelion Arts. 


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