Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Susan Marshall & Company workshop

SUMAC (Systems for Understanding Movement and
Choreography) is a six-day intensive led by Susan
Marshall & Company in which dancers and
choreographers investigate collaborative approaches to
choreography. Each day begins with an hour-long
presentation during which Susan Marshall leads
discussions on topics related to choreography and
collaboration. Following this, Susan and SUMAC
company members teach a variety of practices for
collaborative movement-making that merge
improvisational skills with contemporary dance
technique and physical theater. Using these practices,
participants will create compositions in small groups each day. By examining and discussing these creations, participants leave with greater confidence in their creative abilities and a deeper understanding of composition and movement-making.

This intensive, hosted at Barnard College in NYC,
brings together a wide variety of talented dance artists
and provides them with a supportive environment in
which to play, learn, experiment and share. The
intensive also affords an exciting opportunity for
building peer-communities and forging new creative
bonds. SUMAC’s goal is that all participants leave with
fresh perspectives, tools they can immediately use in
their own rehearsals, and a better understanding of
their own creative processes.

June 11—June 16, 2012
9:30am—6:00pm daily
There are a few spots left for dancers.
Applications will be accepted until the workshop is full.

Department of Dance,
Barnard College of
Columbia University
3009 Broadway at 117th
New York, NY 10027
Housing is not available.

Susan Marshall
Kristen Hollinsworth
Luke Miller
Darrin Wright

Special presentation by:
Annie B. Parson,
Big Dance Theater

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