Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Looking for 1 male + 1 female Dancer



Thursday June 21 from 2pm - 4pm @ Red Bean Studio
Saturday June 23 from noon - 2pm @ Gibney Dance Center

Delirious Dances is looking for 1 male and 1 female dancer (African-American, Asian, Hispanic) for performances of To Begin The World Over Again on Sept. 27 –Oct. 6, 2012 in NYC. To Begin The World Over Again is a collaboration between choreographer Edisa Weeks and composer Joseph Phillips and

his music ensemble Numinous.

Looking for technically trained dancers (modern, ballet, partnering, martial arts), comfortable with improvising and working within a collaborative process.

Paid rehearsals and performances

Rehearsal Schedule

July 9 – 27 = 3x a week

August 6 – 24 = 4x a week

Sept. 3 – 26 = 3x a week.

Sept. 27 – Oct. 6 = six perf.

To register for the audition email edisaweeks@gmail.com

Send full name, email, phone number and resume.

Delirious Dances merges theater with dance to create works that are physically dynamic, visually evocative and explore the beauty and complexity of life. Finding inspiration from history, music, literature, art, current events and the idiosyncrasies of life, Delirious Dances seeks to empower people through the immediacy of dancing. www.deliriousdances.com

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