Monday, August 6, 2012

STUFFED 6 @ Judson Church // Call for Choreographic Proposals

STUFFED 6: Dinner and Dance with Bailout Theater // Judson Church
Hello Choreographers:
STUFFED 6: Dinner and Dance is accepting choreographic proposals for the sixth iteration of STUFFED happening Wednesday October 3rd at the Judson Church in New York City. Producers Carlye Eckert and John Sorensen-Jolink of Eckert+SorensenJolink are looking for work (live performance or film) that is innovative, well designed, bold, and captivating to be a part of what has quickly become a delicious bi-monthly performance event. Work can be finished or in-process but should exist as a full thought.
STUFFED is the low tech, high visibility dance component of Bailout Theater, a performance platform created by Judson Church that responds to the financial crisis by providing an evening of free food and performance to the public. The evening begins with a home-cooked meal, good vibes, and even better people. Once the audience has indulged their bellies they can indulge in everything else with a selection of tasty entertainment. No cost, no catch, no proselytizing, no processed food.
What STUFFED offers selected choreographers:
A diverse audience: Access to a built-in audience that includes many people who have never seen dance before or do not see dance regularly. STUFFED has a strong audience base comprised of repeat Bailout Theater-goers, Judson Church community members, and many people who just walk in off the streets for a meal and live performance. STUFFED is not your usual NYC dance event. Your work will be seen by people with fresh and diverse viewpoints.
A cohesive, curated evening: STUFFED is a fully-produced evening that is not festival-format. It is highly curated so that the evening makes sense and flows. We limit each event to five choreographers and aspire to create a succinct and cohesive evening.
3-hour Space Grant: We are delighted to offer up to three hours of rehearsal time in Judson’s beautiful facilities in addition to a tech rehearsal before the show.
How to submit a proposal:
Email the following information to
-Name of choreographer(s)
-Title of work
-Number of performers in the work
-Link to video footage of the work. This can be performance footage, or footage from a rehearsal yesterday. We encourage you to list specific times for us to que to, especially if the video is long.
-Tell us how you heard about STUFFED. Have you attended a Bailout Theater
event in the past?
Submission Deadline: Tuesday September 4th, 2012
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A dancer in a white t-shirt and black pants lifts their arm and extends their leg into the air


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