Friday, January 25, 2013

AJD Festival. nyc & italy performances


March 21, 2013

An opportunity to show your work in Italy during the

AJD ALTO JONIO DANCE FESTIVAL Citta’ di Villapiana - Calabria

July 20 – 27,2013

and March 22 in New York for


AJD offers an opportunity to Italian and American dancers and companies to present their work in a spirit of exchange and collaboration

AJD I-NY is open to “emerging” choreographers & dancers. AJD will select a choreographer and a Dancer that will have the opportunity to present their work in Italy during the AJD ALTO JONIO DANCE FESTIVAL Citta’ di Villapiana and will be honored as

AJD “Emerging Choreographer 2013” & AJD “Emerging Dancer 2013”.

The festival will provide ticket room and board.

This is AJD third year; last years chosen choreographer was Jonathan Campbell from MADboots dance. Mr. Campbell had the opportunity to present three pieces in the 5 000 sits Theater of Villapiana and receved the award from the Artist Silvano BULGARI.

Selection will be held at the Julia Richman Theater 317 east 67th street . from 1 pm to5 pm

Candidates must pre-register by email at

After receiving confirmation they will receive the registration form.


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