Monday, January 14, 2013

Call For Gershwin Gala Performers

Glitter Kitty Productions?

Glitter Kitty Productions:A living body of artists, fearless explorers, in perpetual motion. A support system for a boundless community of performers that provides invaluable resources and a home to create natural art, reminding each of there infinite potential.

The Kitties are looking for submissions for their Gala at the Gershwin Hotel, an annual celebration of dance, theatre, music and puppetry. Please submit a video sample and a description of your intended performance. Chosen submissions will receive a slot up to seven minutes and a hosted rehearsal space and time with Glitter Kitty Productions. We look forward to expanding our collaborations. Together let's celebrate our art community!

The Glitter Gala will be March 26th, 2013. Deadline for submissions is February 11th, 2013. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

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