Sunday, March 3, 2013

Audition: Contemporary Ballet Dancers

Periapsis Music and Dance seeks male and female contemporary ballet dancers for the creation of new work by Artistic Director of Dance Leigh Schanfein, to be performed May 2013, and for consideration for future work. Dancers of all shapes and sizes, particularly taller dancers, who are proficient in ballet and contemporary styles, engaging performers, personable, and professional are highly encouraged to attend.


Sunday, March 17th 10:00 am- 12:00 pm

Registration begins at 9:30 am

Peridance Capezio Center, 126 E. 13th St. btwn 3rd and 4th Aves

The audition will consist of a shortened ballet class followed by choreography.

There is a $10 audition fee. Advance registration is not required but appreciated; please send resume in the body of the email (not as an attachment) and one dance shot toleigh @ periapsismusicanddance.orgwith AUDITION in the subject line. Do not bring a hard copy.

Women: You must be comfortable performing contemporary work en pointe. Please bring your shoes.

Men:To dance en pointe is not a requirement for the men but I am interested in the possibility so please bring your shoes if you do!

Dancers will receive rehearsal and performance pay.


Will begin the first week of April and take place Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with some additional dates until the performances.

Performance dates:

Thursday, May 16th at 8pm as part of the Queens New Music Festival

Monday, May 20th at 8pm at the Actors Fund Arts Center

Learn about Periapsis Music and Dance.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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