Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Calling Bed-Stuy Artists


Calling All Bed-Stuy Artists


Looking for submissions from artists of all mediums and genres to present cite specific work and presentations of art on various stoops throughout Bed-Stuy. Artists must be residents of or have some affiliation to Bed-Stuy. Works will be part of STooPS, a community-building event that will use the arts to bring people of the Bed-Stuy community outside and promote social interaction amongst artists, residents, homeowners, and businesses of Bed-Stuy. Looking for all types of art including but not limited to dance, theater, music, spoken word, visual art, jewelry making, textile design, film/video, hair design, etc. Especially looking for interactive pieces and work that focus on community or involves community engagement in some way. Performance pieces will be no more than 7 min. Event will be held on a Sunday June 23, 2013 (rain date of June 29). Please submit headshot, resume, work samples/URL to website, a proposal/description of the work you intend to create (no more than 1 page), and $10 non-refundable submission fee for STooPS by May 20.  Please note that selected artists will be required to pay an additional $30 artist fee for presenting work.


For information and to submit work, please contact stoopsbedstuy@gmail.com. Submission fees must be sent via Pay Pal to stoopsbedstuy@gmail.com


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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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