Monday, May 20, 2013

RIOULT seeks NY Season and Gala volunteers!

RIOULT is looking for enthusiastic volunteers for the company's NY Season at the Joyce Theater (June 4-9) as well as our annual Gala on June 5. Season volunteers should be available at least 30 minutes before the top of each show (see performance schedule below) through the end of the performance. Gala volunteers should be available in the late afternoon through the evening of June 5 to assist with set up, checking in Gala attendees, assisting as needed during the event, and clean up.

We are happy to offer each volunteer a ticket to a performance during our NY Season!

RIOULT Dance NY Joyce performance schedule:

Tue 6/4 7:30pm; Wed 6/5 7pm; Thu-Fri 6/6-6/7 8pm; Sat 6/8 2pm & 8pm; Sun 6/9 2pm & 7:30pm

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact:

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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