Friday, June 14, 2013

[audition] The Box NYC, Dancers

Casting dancers for "The Hammerstein Beauties," The Box's in-house dance troupe. The Hammerstein Beauties are an essential part of The Box's variety theater shows, and am highly respected for their sensual charisma.

Performances are ongoing (Tue.-Sat. nights) at The Box, 189 Chrystie St., NYC.

Seeking female dancers, 18-30 of all ethnicities.

Professional pay provided.

The audition will be held on June 19th in New York, NY 10002, at our venue's location: The Box NYC, 189 chrystie street

Appointment required. see contact info for details,

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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