Saturday, September 28, 2013

Photo Shoot Audition Today

Our company is holding an audition for a photo shoot on 10/23. You must be available on the 22nd for rehearsal and all day on the 23rd.

The audition is today!!!

Please arrive warm, ready to dance, and have at least 3 to 6 different styles of ariel jumps to show us. We want to see high energy, creative, acrobatic, unique, and innovative choreographic jumps and dance. This is an ariel photo shoot so you must be able to jump for a sustained period of time. This will be a high impact photo shoot and requires strong technique and stamina.
After the first cut, dancers will be asked to perform a one minute solo (improvised or choreographed - preferably improvised)

You will be paid an hourly rate for your time at the shoot. The amount will be determined once we see you dance live and in person.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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