Friday, September 20, 2013

Tiffany Mills Company Audition

 AUDITION: Tiffany Mills Company is looking for an experienced female and male dancer for paid Company positions. Background should include partnering, improvisation and release technique. Theater background is a plus. Commitment will include a two year contract (Fall 2013–Spring 2015). Rehearsals are Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am–1pm/2pm; with sectional rehearsals Mondays 10am–1pm. Performances and Touring are throughout the year. 

Register by October 18th, 5pm, for your time slot and location at Please make yourself available for the audition and all callbacks:
Audition: Monday, October 21, 10am–2pm 
Callback 1: Wednesday, October 23, 10am–1pm
Callback 2: Thursday, October 24, 10am–1pm

Tiffany Mills Company is holding a Fall Partnering Workshop October 11–13, 2013. (Recommended but not required for auditioning dancers.) For information and registration for the whole workshop or stand-alone classes: 

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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