Monday, August 31, 2015

All body types and ethnicities to be painted like marble statues for music video!


My name is Allie and I'm a director looking to cast some featured roles for a music video shooting one day this weekend (the 5th or 6th, tbd). It's for an established indie artist named Autre Ne Veut, and we are looking for physical actors to play frozen "statues." You would be wearing a business suit, and your head and hands will be painted like marble.   It's a fantastical dystopic concept that takes place in an office building. 

Unfortunately there is no pay (none of us will be paid!), but you will be fed, and the video will be beautifully shot (on the Arri Amira) and will definitely get great exposure. The last video we made for the artist got Vimeo Staff Picked and had a quarter million views in one week! Plus there will be closeups of all the featured actors.

Please let us know if you're interested AND include if you own a suit of any sort. A pantsuit or skirtsuit. Thank you!

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