Wednesday, August 5, 2015

FLICfest 2016 Accepting Applications!


FLICfest Submission Guidelines

Please read the following carefully, even if you’ve applied in the past.

In 2016, FLICfest will present feature-length (about 50-minute) works dance-theatre by six choreographers. Each work will be presented two times during FLICfest 2016 (January 21-30, 2016). Submitted work should be new work or an existing piece that you are expecting to rework significantly. The definition of dance-theatre is broad, so as part of the application, we will ask you to give us your definition and tell us how your work fits into it. Please do not submit work that has had public performance(s) in New York City in the past 12 months.

In addition to the performance dates in January, 2016, FLICfest will include a residency series, in which participating choreographers will have dedicated time to rehearse in the Irondale space with technical support, in order to tailor their work to the FLICfest venue, as well as to look at the work of fellow FLICfest choreographers and receive feedback as desired. The FLICfest residency series will take place on Monday nights, September-November, 2015 (detailed dates below). Chosen choreographers will be asked to commit to the entire series.

FLICfest 2016 participating choreographers will receive performance space, tech support, PR support, and a stipend of $1000, paid after the completion of the festival.

The submission deadline is August 25, 2015. Please submit all materials by email to

Here are our guidelines. Please answer the following questions:

WORK SAMPLE Please submit online by sending us a link to your work on Vimeo (or an equivalent service). If you are submitting a completed work, please use a recording of a performance of that work. If the work is new, please send us work representative of the work you propose. Submit a 15-minute section and let us know if it is a complete work or an excerpt of a larger work. Do not submit an edited or “highlights” recording.

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: Please submit a one-page description of the work you propose to perform in FLICfest.  Include the title of the work. Where are you in the process of the work? Will the work premiere at FLICfest? If not, where and when did it premiere? Were there subsequent performances of the work? How will you adapt the work for Irondale and FLICfest? It is important that you address your use of the Irondale space in your application. If you have not visited Irondale, please do; contact Jeramy ( for instructions.

What is your definition of dance theatre? How does your proposed work fit into the genre of dance theatre?

BIO: Please submit a one-page narrative bio of your choreographic work and philosophy. Please include links to any relevant press.

YOUR PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE: What performances do you have scheduled July 2015 – March 2016?

PERFORMANCE CONFLICTS: The dates for FLICfest 2016 are January 21-23 and January 28-30. Tech rehearsals will begin January 4 and continue through January 20. Performances will be Thursday-Sunday evenings. We will work to ensure that each show gets appropriate tech time during that period. Additional rehearsal will be available when the space is not otherwise in use. Please list any conflicts that you have during the period of January 4-30, 2016.

AUDIENCE: How would you describe your audience? How have you promoted your work in the past? How large is your email list? How often do you email your list? Are you comfortable emailing your list? What social media do you use to promote your work? Do you feel that you’ve been successful in promoting your work? Have you been successful in raising money for your work? Please send samples of e-blasts or marketing templates that you’ve used.

MONEY AND FUNDRAISING: FLICfest is committed to paying choreographers to present work. In 2016, we have set compensation at $1000 and may raise additional compensation through a Kickstarter campaign, if all of the choreographers agree to work together toward such a campaign.

AWARENESS: FLICfest is committed to building new audiences for feature-length dance. This year, we are asking each choreographer to commit to bringing 10 people to the FLICfest launch party, (date TBD late September or early October, 2014). Selected choreographers will also be expected to send emails and/or reach out on social media for the launch party, fundraising efforts and performances.

PRESS AGREEMENT: By submitting work to FLICfest 2014, you agree that your work is open to review by dance press and that you will make yourself reasonably available to press requests leading up to FLICfest.

FALL RESIDENCY DATES: Attendance at these sessions is very important to the mission of FLICfest. Please confirm that you are available all of the following Monday evenings (6-9 pm). If you are unavailable for more than two of these dates, your FLICfest application will not be considered.


OCTOBER: 5, 19, 26

NOVEMBER: 9, 16, 23

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