Wednesday, August 12, 2015



95 years dedicated to Life and Art
Tuesday, August 18th 2015
Washington Square Park
From 6.30 to 7.30 pm

 Come and prepare to be a part of a Performance Ritual in occasion of Anna's 95th Birthday!

Her birthday has been celebrated in Mountain Home Studio, in California, last 13th of July but also NY wants to honor Anna's lifelong dedication to dance and art, celebrating and performing in the beautiful frame of Washington Square Park, with friends, artists and people that admire her work, crafting a Special Gift for her though a collective act. The score will be explained and led by Laura Colomban.

The performance will be recorded and edited to be shared with her and her Birthday website page as a gift


There are different ways to be involved:

As performer:

dancer/movers/performers that want to be active part of the ritual 

 (Requested presence at rehearsal in Washington Square Park, Sunday August 16th  from 5-8 pm, gathering time at Washington Square W and  Washington Square Pl. at 4.45)

As active audience

No previous performance or dance experience is required to participate.

(Requested presence at rehearsal in Washington Square Park, Sunday August 16th from 11 am to 1 pm, gathering time at Washington Square W and  Washington Square Pl. at 10.45)


As general audience

Come to Washington Square Park at 6.30 PM, Aug 18th and share this page and the event with friends, bring your children with you!


Practical Infos:

No cost to attend the event

Water and Lemonade will be distributed after rehearsals and performance.

The Ritual will start from 6 (gathering time at Washington Square W and Washington Square Pl.). The score will be performed from 6.30PM to 7.30 PM.

To participate as performer or active audience please RSVP at  specifying in the subject: Performer Anna Halprin Ritual or Active Audience Anna Halprin Ritual.

A Special thanks to Movement Research and all the people that are helping us to spread the news and organize this Event.


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