Sunday, December 20, 2015

Third Rail Projects Casting Call - Female Performers


Third Rail Projects is gathering submissions from experienced and seasoned female performers for Then She Fell and The Grand Paradise in 2016. Performers need to have general evening availability for performances and afternoon availability for rehearsals.


We are seeking performers with: a strong contemporary dance background and at least three years of professional performance experience; excellent partnering skills; comfort and experience moving in a site-specific context, for example on architecture (furniture, walls, tables, staircases); the ability to move athletically in aggressive, heightened choreography as well as an ability to execute simple, uninflected pedestrian actions; experience with dynamic partnering; a willingness and comfort using voice and speech; and the ability to embody a character and interact personally and in close proximity to audience members. 

Please send your resume (can also be in bio format), headshot and a photo that best represents you as an artist to  We also reccomend including links to online videos of your work.  

Please include any blocks of time that you would be unavailable to perform thorugh August 2016. We will select and contact the first round of candidates for an audition with Third Rail Projects’ Artistic Directors on Monday December 28th 10am-4pm

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