Saturday, January 30, 2016
Dance Troupe
Company: John Colianni Musical Enterprises
Location: Union City, NJ
Compensation: Food and travel expenses
Dancers Sought
compensation: Travel expenses and food.
Girls who are roughly between,17-29, pretty, slender, fair-completed black are the most desired. But darker girls, or Asian, Caucasian, or whatever also welcome. This troupe will be known as "Hot Mocha". That's the working name, anyway. The style of dancing will be developed during rehearsals, but a glamorous, sexy, and vigorously athletic concept is envisioned. You will be appearing with a Jazz band as your accompanists. Rehearsals will take place in Manhattan. For now, we want you to join us on a developmental basis. No budget for rehearsal fees, but at the least, you'll be gladly given food and drinks, and transportation reimbursement when you rehearse with us. Sound like fun? Please get in touch.
John Colianni Musical Enterprises
3307 Pleasant Avenue Apt. 1
Union City, NJ, 07087
John Colianni Musical Enterprises
For more information:
John Colianni