Friday, August 12, 2016

Seeking dancers for VR (virtual reality ) piece


This notice is being placed for artist Skye Von:

Falling Out of Love is a VR music dance experience for the band Aloud. The dance piece is an interpretation of falling out of love and breaking up with your partner, only to find out that you are really breaking up with yourself (your own issues), to then realize all the other external things which stood in between you and your loved one, to finally come to the decision to break the "reality" you have been living in by shattering its walls.

Here is a pre-visualization that was created of the first 1.30 min:

Since the turn around is so fast, Skye is looking to work with dancers, who have already worked with MoCap before and feel comfortable with it. Furthermore, she is looking for dancers who have danced and worked together for the same reason.

Here is a breakdown:

- 1 female modern dancer
- 1 male modern dancer
- dancer should have experience and be comfortable with working in Motion Capture.
- ideally she wants to cast 2 dancers who have previously worked and danced together.
- dancers will be wearing platform shoes.
- She is looking to cast ethnically diverse, so she encourages dancers of all color to apply.

$200 day-rate. 2 days. 1 day dancing. 1 day being scanned to create photo-realistic avatar of the dancers. I evening for choreography and rehearsal (no pay for this).


Audition: Monday, August 15 from  5pm-8pm
Choreography/Rehearsal: Tuesday, August 16th in the evening
Motion Capture Session; Friday, August 19th -  all day
Photogrammetry scanning: Saturday, August 20th -  all day

Please send your reel and headshots to Skye at:

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