Thursday, December 8, 2016

NimbusPRESENTS: APAP Showcase @ Alpha Omega Studio


Announcing NimbusPRESENTS: APAP Showcase @ Alpha Omega Studio


Nimbus Dance Works will select 4 choreographers/companies for NimbusPRESENTS 2017 APAP Showcase. Showcase takes place Saturday, January 7th @ 9pm at the Alpha Omega Studio - situated in the East Village - close to the Public Theater and other notable venues.


Groups selected for the curated performance receive a technical rehearsal and a 20 minute performance spot in the showcase and marketing support at the APAP conference. Following the showcase, Nimbus will present a wine & cheese reception and opportunity to network with presenters and patrons.

Click Here for Application.


Promotional Support:

~Email Blast to all APAP Conference Attendees including presenters (5,000) with groups’ name and showcase info.

~Group Included on Print and Digital Marketing materials Advertising the Showcase

~Marketing Materials Distributed at Nimbus’ Expo booth: 112 Rhinelander Hall

~Press Release Sent out to all Nimbus Presenter Contacts (150) and Patron List (1,000)

~APAP online showcase listing

~Tech/spacing rehearsal 

~20 minute performance slot

Applications Due: Friday, December 16th at noon. Accepted applicants will be notified on Monday, December 12th. A production fee of $300.00 is required if accepted.

Please submit the application and work samples to and

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