Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The VIVO Ballet in Rome allocated grants for scholarships to participate in VIVO Nest program 2017 | second session

From VIVO Nest 2016

Recommended for worldwide students who have completed a professional training or dancers who wish to work in the Dance Industry in Europe, this amazing Program offers a unique opportunity for professional growth:

VIVO NEST is an intensive 3-Months program strongly connected with VIVO Ballet and its professional network. The program is marked by a 20-hours weekly plan consisting of professional ballet classes, modern dance classes, choreography work, company repertory studies and constant advice by VIVO Ballet Artistic Director Enzo Celli.

The Second session of VIVO Nest Program begins April 4, 2017 and ends June 29, 2017.

The dancers will close the program with a final performance in Rome.

The program is accessed via audition video. Scholarships are available by jury selection. 

To be selected, send an email to with the subject “Nest Selection 2017.”

In the body of the email put:

1) curriculum vita/ resume

2) headshot

3) a telephone number active in WhatsApp

4) video link (Youtube or Vimeo) of student’s performance used for program selection                                    

    Note: The video does not need to be a solo as long as the student is easily identifiable.    

Enjoy the last session’s experience, watch the video here  

For any other info email and… enjoy your life.

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