Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fellowship for Prayer Part in Stockhausen’s INORI

Fellowship for Prayer Part in Stockhausen’s INORI Aymeric Warmé

Fellowship for Prayer Part in Stockhausen’s INORI
supervised by Kathinka Pasveer, Alain Louafi, and Peter Eötvös

Monday, 1 May 2017: Application Deadline
Saturday & Sunday, 13 & 14 May 2017: Live Auditions in Kürten (Germany)
Saturday, 29 July – Sunday, 6 August 2017: Stockhausen Courses in Kürten (Germany)
Several individual meetings during the year following a period of prior independent study of a
part of INORI that has been discussed (approx. one weekend every month)
Saturday, 17 August – Sunday, 2 September 2018: LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY (Switzerland)

Sunday, 2 September 2018 | 11:00 & 18:00 | KKL Luzern, Lucerne Hall
Further performances to be organized for the period between 10 and 18 September 2018
(including performance in Berlin and other locations)

A master school for contemporary music – this is what the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY is
all about. Each summer around 130 talented young musicians from all over the world are given
the opportunity to dedicate themselves to a repertoire that is still all too often overlooked
in the classical music world: the music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Celebrating Karlheinz
Stockhausen’s 90th birthday in 2018, the Academy will perform Stockhausen’s INORI, one of
his most beautiful and important orchestral works. It has been rarely performed in the past
because of its complexity, which includes a couple (male and female) who move and mime
in synchronized patterns. The Academy will initiate a one-year process to educate and train
a new generation of two couples (dancer-mimes). The process will be part of a fellowship
so that the dancer-mimes will have sufficient time and resources to focus intensively and to
learn the challenging INORI prayer part (ca. 70 minutes of precisely notated gestures, pitches,
rhythms, and dynamics must be memorized, and the performance mostly takes place in a
seated position).

Karlheinz Stockhausen:
INORI. Adorations for 2 soloists (dancer-mimes) and orchestra (1973-1975) [72’]
Orchestra of the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY (89 musicians)
Peter Eötvös conductor | Two dancer-mimes

Profile of Applicants
– dancers or musicians (male or female) with elegance and charisma, open to meditation,
and preferably able to read music on an advanced level
– age limit: 35
– language in which the course will mostly be taught: English

Documents to be submitted (all documents can be submitted online)
– application form (online)
– video with a personal introduction and explanation of reason for wishing to participate in
this project
– video(s) of applicant’s own performance(s) (submitted as a YouTube or Vimeo link)
– video of the requested excerpts from INORI: bars 115 to 133 and bars 603 to 621
– Curriculum vitae in English or German (maximum of two pages)
– list of projects already performed
– photos (head shot and full-body shot)

Application resources
You can find all material you need to prepare your application here:
Application deadline
Monday, 1 May 2017

The course management will decide who will be the active participants upon receipt of the
registration forms, documents, and videos and following the live audition. The results of
the selection will be announced by the end of May 2017. There is no right of legal appeal. No
correspondence will be conducted regarding the decisions.

Course fee and Fellowship
There is no fee for participation. The four selected dancers will be supported financially by a
special fellowship of EUR 10,000.00 each for the entire project (June 2017 – September 2018).
All project-related expenses (travel and accommodation), including the participation fee for
the Stockhausen courses in Kürten, are covered by LUCERNE FESTIVAL.

Each active participant will receive a per diem for meals in Lucerne.

Study materials
Each participant will receive study materials provided by LUCERNE FESTIVAL:
– score for VORTRAG ÜBER HU (“LECTURE ON HU”) along with the explanations and the prayer part
– full orchestral score of INORI
– DVD of a performance of INORI with Alain Louafi and Kathinka Pasveer and a tape for study purposes
– CD No. 22: a recording of INORI for the participants to study

Click here to apply now:

Application deadline: Monday, 1 May 2017

For further information, please contact us at:

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