Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5-Day Christian Dance Camp

Let your HEART move.


Joy starts from the heart. When your heart moves to a place of true joy, then that joy is expressed through your dance. Let your heart move at the IYF Dance Camp.

I would like to invite you to volunteer and teach a fast 5-day dance Academy during this year’s IYF Dance Camp. The Academy is a workshop opportunity during the IYF Dance Camp where students meet, connect with, and learn from professionals like yourself. 

Below I’ve provided a general information about Academy.

The IYF Dance Camp is a leadership summit and dance workshop for high school and college students. The International Youth Fellowship (IYF) is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of providing spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth to young people around the world.

Academy is a major program during Dance Camp. While young students don’t lack for passion, many of them lack exposure to various art forms, professions, and practices, settling instead for unhealthy amounts of constant social media, TV, and video games. 

Let’s give the youth a refreshing experience and a chance to discover new interests and perspectives. 

We are expecting 200 students (high school to college) from across the east coast U.S. and overseas to be in attendance. Students will choose two academies to attend each morning, so class sizes can vary. 

Academy Information:

Volunteer for the following academies: Ballet, Jazz, Street Jazz/Hip Hop, Musical Theater, Popping & Locking, Health & Fitness, Pilates, Acting, Singing, Beat Making


Dates:                 Tuesday, June 06 - Saturday, June 10, 2017 (flexible according to your schedule)

Time:                   9:00 am - 10:00 am and 10:00 am – 11:00 am (not including set up and take down time)


I hope you can take a look at the dates/times and academies above and please let me know their availability and interests.

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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