Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Marie-Christine Giordano Dance Summer Audition Workshop

Dancers in silhouette Still from Nicolas de Mones video at BAM

Come dance with us! MCGD is holding an immersive five-day workshop Monday, August 21st-Friday, August 25th, 11:00AM-2:00PM.

Space is limited to 5 spots only. Attendees will be considered for scholarships to apprentice with MCGD starting fall 2017. Entire week or drop-ins welcome, RSVP required. 

The workshop will serve as an introduction to Marie-Christine Giordano’s technique and choreographic process. Giordano has developed her own technique over the years, based on principles of modern dance and ballet that she values. It strives to develop a powerful core in dancers by strengthening the muscles of the trunk, granting them the freedom to explore the full potential of their physical and artistic expression. Workshop will include a two-hour technique class followed by one-hour of company repertoire which MCGD just premiered at BAM Fisher for its 15th Anniversary Season.

TUITION: $125 for the whole week. $20 drop-in rate per class. $20 Required Reservation Fee, upon acceptance.

TO APPLY: Please send a headshot, resume, and video clip to dancers@mcgdance.org.

Submit your application by July 24th and join us this August! 

"Ms. Giordano is clearly a choreographer committed to constructing a personal dance vocabulary.”  -Gia Kourlas, The New York Times.

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