Tuesday, November 7, 2017
American Dance Festival: Call for Alumni Entries

The American Dance Festival invites alumni of its Six Week School and Three Week School (formerly Four Week School for Young Dancers) to submit proposals to have works of their own creation included in the 2018 ADF season. In 2018, ADF will celebrate its 85th season and will highlight the significant talent that has come out of its programs as part of an Alumni Weekend on June 22–24, 2018.
The selected works will be performed on a shared program with three to four other ADF alumni works on Saturday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24. Choreographers who have been presented by ADF will not be qualified to apply. The program will be curated by a panel of alumni of the ADF school. Panelists to date include Elaine Bayless, Krystal Butler, Li Chiao-Ping, Kim Cullen, Mark Dendy, Larry Keigwin, Nicholas Leichter, Johnnie Mercer, Sherone Price, and Elena Slobodchikova. Those selected will receive an honorarium of $3,500 to help cover the costs of participation.
To apply:
* Submit a 15-minute (maximum) video link of the proposed work. Work must be appropriate for the proscenium stage. Elaborate production elements will be difficult to accommodate on a shared program so please submit appropriate work for consideration. Choreographers are responsible for providing a lighting supervisor/stage manager for their work.
* Submit two promotional photos (300dpi) with photographer credit.
* Provide a brief choreographer biography.
The rights for all music and design elements for works submitted will be the responsibility of the choreographer.
Deadline: December 1st. Submit materials via email to Kimberly Hall at kimberly@americandancefestival.org. The selected choreographers will be notified the week of February 1st.
American Dance Festival
Box 90772
Durham, NC, 27710
For more information:
Kimberly Hall