Thursday, January 18, 2018

Earthdance Executive Director

Earthdance is Hiring!


Earthdance is an artist-run workshop, residency, and retreat center located in the Berkshire hills of Western Massachusetts. Earthdance has had a few different social and institutional structures over its history. When a group of friends bought the land and moved in 30 years ago, they had no idea it would evolve into the non-profit workshop and retreat center it is today. On its path from “intentional community” to the current structure, the balance between Earthdance’s “community” identity and its “institutional” organization has been a constant theme. Currently we are looking for someone who has the skills to prioritize the community aspect of Earthdance and balance the needs of the institutional organization.

Inspired by a commitment to equity, social justice, and sustainability, Earthdance community members, staff and board are researching innovative organizational models and are interested in less hierarchical and more cooperative structures.


The Executive Director is responsible for managing all aspects of Earthdance. The main areas of responsibility include fundraising and grant writing, publicity and outreach, financial management and planning, physical facilities planning, staff hiring and supervision, event- programming, and reporting to the Board of Directors. At this time, the organization is engaged in substantial work to address historic issues of oppression faced by People of Color, is working to shift our institutional culture to greater agency and transparency throughout the organization, and is focused on greatly expanding the financial resources available to support the organization. The new Executive Director is expected to:

-Take a leading role in fundraising and business planning in order to substantially expand Earthdance’s income
-Be a leader in developing Earthdance’s social justice, anti-racism and human liberation awareness actions, policies and programs. Engage in outreach to People of Color as part of Earthdance’s Truth Reconciliation and Reparations process to address legacies of white power structures at Earthdance and beyond
-Participate in developing a transparent decision making structure that provides greater agency to staff and volunteers

Candidates should be highly self-motivated, creative, and detail-oriented, with good communication and organizational skills. Must be able to collaborate with staff members, develop and steer projects, and structure time to handle multiple tasks within a given time frame. This person would be encouraged to make bold, integrous strategic decisions when necessary. We are looking for someone who can relate harmoniously with others in leadership, who enjoys the creative challenge of co-creating with other staff at all levels of the organization devising systems and implementing them, who would thrive in a cooperatively-run arts organization. We greatly value someone who has a personal dance, contemplative or other creative practice, and who has a commitment to human liberation, anti-racism, gender, sexual identity equity awareness and environmental stewardship. More detailed job responsibilities are listed below. 

People of Color, LGBTQ Folks, Women, and People of Differing Abilities are encouraged to apply.


-Salary: The Executive Director works 40 hours/week and is also expected to spend some non-work time at Earthdance for community events, jams, performances, etc. The salary for this position is commensurate with experience, and ranges from $35,000 to $45,000
-Health Insurance: Earthdance does not currently offer a healthcare plan, though an individual may qualify for subsidized insurance through the Massachusetts Healthcare Connector program
-Housing: While Earthdance is a residential retreat center, we do not currently envision the Executive Director living on-site. However, depending upon the candidate’s interests and plans, this is negotiable
-Additional benefits include 4 weeks of paid vacation/holiday/personal time, the opportunity to attend events free of charge, and connection to a diverse, creative community


Fundraising & Development

-  Expand Earthdance’s fundraising and development efforts to gather support from individual donors
-  Identify, develop, and meet with individual major donors
-  Develop and coordinate annual fund drives and materials
-  Explore potential sources of institutional funding and develop relationships with appropriate local, regional, and related international foundations
-  Manage all institutional grant research, writing, reporting, and budgeting

Earthdance Programming & Rentals

-  Strengthen Earthdance’s present program of workshops, festivals and events, collaborate with and offer additional programming for and by People of Color, LGBTQ, differently abled, and their organizations for liberatory movement(s) at Earthdance
-  Collaborate with other institutions to develop combined programs, engage in coalition- building with other arts and social justice organizations
-  Develop relationships with prominent teachers, artists and visionaries in the fields of dance, somatics, consciousness, and human development
-  Manage relationships and communications with Earthdance’s rental clientele
-  Evaluate program models and develop rate structures to ensure profitability
-  Manage the Earthdance Calendar of Events and booking of rental groups and programs

Public Relations, Promotion & Marketing

-  Spearhead marketing for Earthdance, including developing strategy, assessing impact & access, and ensuring branding consistency, quality, timeliness of design materials, and disseminating information about Earthdance programming
-  Expand organization’s cross-cultural stakeholders and increase stakeholder engagement
- Lead in Earthdance advocacy and positive public relations

Business Planning & Management

-  Ensure that the organization is equipped with a solid foundation of financial practices in collaboration with the board and staff
-  Develop, recommend and manage the Annual Organizational Budget with Board Treasurer and Finance Committee
-  Monitor and improve the financial health of Earthdance in collaboration with other staff
-  Strategize and plan Earthdance program models, pricing/fee structures, and contract templates in relation to fiscal health in collaboration with other staff
-  Monitor and plan in collaboration with other staff for long term health of the Earthdance buildings, facilities, and land

Staff Hiring, Development and Supervision

-  Hire and supervise Earthdance’s paid staff in a collaborative and transparent manner
- Work with various stakeholders to develop a non-hierarchical, collaborative organizational structure which includes cooperative decision making, clear communication, and empowers others in the organization
-  Develop and maintain the Employee and Volunteer Handbooks in collaboration with the Operations Manager and all staff

Preferred Skills/Competencies:

-  One to three years of experience leading a non-profit, educational or arts organization or comparable experience
-  Experience and success in fundraising and development
-  Strong team leadership skills in a live/work environment
-  Understanding of HR policies and practices
-  Excellent ability to tend to heavily administrative functions, including email correspondence, composition of business/HR policies and contracts, and development of budgets and narratives
-  Experience in the arts, as well as a personal artistic practice
-  Demonstrated capacity to lead an organization towards becoming an actively anti-racist organization promoting social justice and equity
-  Ability to maintain positivity and composure under pressure
-  Ability to interface with others using tact and diplomacy
-  Excellent facilitation, consensus-building, and interpersonal skills

If you are interested in this position please submit the following:

-  A letter of interest that includes: 1) a detailed summary of your relevant experience as an organizational leader, manager of projects and people, and/or as a fundraiser, 2) a detailed account of your interest and experience in movement/dance, 3) a detailed account of your experience in leading an organization pursuing cultural change, specifically in the realm of social justice, anti-racism, and horizontal power sharing, 4) and a persuasive presentation on how you are uniquely suited to the position of Executive Director at Earthdance.
-  A resumé
-  Three references (include name, relationship, phone number, and email)
- Any additional supporting materials (marketing or fundraising materials, general writing samples, project descriptions, etc.)

Materials should be sent 
Electronically to:

Or By Mail to:
Attn: Executive Director Hiring Committee
252 Prospect Street
Plainfield, MA 01070

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, however applications delivered prior to February 11th, 2018 will receive priority. 

Anticipated Start Date: April 9th, 2018 

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