Friday, February 9, 2018

Call for Papers & Performances - Dance Research Forum Ireland Conference


Dance Research Forum Ireland

7th International Conference

Power, Politics, and the Dancing Body

Thursday June 28 to Sunday 1st July 2018

In Association with Limerick Institute of Technology


First Call for Proposals – January 2018

Submission Deadline – Wednesday 14th February 2018


"I often say that in making dances I can make a world where I think things are done morally, done democratically, done honestly." - Twyla Tharp


Dance and performance have always been forces for political and social change. Addressing issues of power, inequity, and hierarchy head on, Dance Research Forum Ireland (DRFI) - in partnership with Limerick Institute of Technology – invites participation in its 7th biennial conference. 


Inspired by DRFI’s ethos of equality and inclusiveness, this interdisciplinary conference provides a platform to explore themes related to power and politics in terms of movement and performativity.  Topics may include, but are not limited to: How are narratives of selfhood and/or nationhood constructed, questioned, and reconstructed through performative socio-political and cultural practices? In what ways is decolonisation identifiable within work-making?  How do performative practices enable community engagement and reflection during political and cultural crises? In what ways do movement practices encourage the navigation of borders and/or re-inscription of boundaries - be they political, cultural, social, geographic, stylistic or historical? How can dance and movement practitioners challenge the dance ‘canon’ and expand the conversation to include voices that have been overlooked? How can dance-making confront and confound racial discrimination, ethnic stereotypes and gender binaries?  What ethical responsibilities do dance-makers face in an increasingly globalized, technology-driven, and virtual world?  In what ways do dance-makers navigate the push and pull of tradition and innovation in their own practice, while simultaneously confronting the embedded hierarchies of the broader dance community?  What visual displays of power does choreography reveal within the broader context of performance -

such as the politics at play in the relationship among music, dance, costuming, and/or mise-en-scéne?


Academic-based paper presentations, practice-based research presentations, lecture demonstrations, round table sessions, dance workshops, and performance contributions are welcome. Performances can take the form of solos, duets or small ensembles, and can be based in any genre.


DRFI is interested in hearing from artists, researchers, and emerging scholars, of all movement genres and related performance fields. Abstracts of presentations addressing the above or any other topic relevant to the theme of the conference should be forwarded electronically in .doc or .rtf .pdf formats only to


Breandán de Gallaí, Chair of the Programming Committee, at


Include all relevant audio-visual material on the following platforms - Vimeo, YouTube.


Please visit DRFI’s website at:

Facebook page: 

Limerick Institute of Technology:

for further information.


The closing date for ALL submissions is Wednesday 14th February 2018.


DRFI Conference 2018 Programme Committee:

Breandán de Gallaí, PhD

Chair of Dance Research Forum Ireland and Programme Committee

Darrah Carr, PhD

Visiting Professor, the Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College, SUNY

Finola Cronin, PhD

Head of Drama Studies; Director of the MA in Theatre Practice, UCD

Kristina Varade, PhD

Associate Professor, BMCC City University of New York, NY


Many thanks to the DRFI Board.


Conference Location:

Limerick Institute of Technology


Limerick Institute of Technology Conference Contact:

Carmel McKenna, MA MBS TCRG Chartered MCIPD

Chair, Local Arrangements Committee

T: + 353 61 293526; E:

Guidelines for Proposals:

Proposals include any one of six presentation formats listed below.  Only one presentation per applicant is permissible.  It is essential that proposals address the theme of the conference and present new insights in the attempt at advancing dance research knowledge and practice. Please submit your proposal form, including your one-page abstract (approximately 250-300 words) of your presentation, detailing your presentation format and outlining your proposed research topic and argument together with a short bibliography and/or videography, and forward it electronically to the Chair of the Programming Committee, Breandán de Gallaí, .


Please note that delegates whose proposals are accepted will have to be paid up members of DRFI in order to present at the conference.  Application forms for membership are available on the DRFI website:


Presentation Formats:

1. Academic-based and/or Practice-based research presentations

Presentations will be programmed for the duration of 20 minutes, including any audio-visual material.  A ten-minute discussion period will be allotted after each presentation.


2. Panels

A panel presentation consisting of three or four presenters is also welcome.  Panels are co-ordinated by one of the panelists who co-ordinates a panel to address a particular topic at the conference.  This topic may or may not address the theme of the conference.  The co-ordinator submits a one-page proposal outlining the selected topic and each of the panelists contributes to this topic.  In addition, each panelist is required to write a one-page proposal (as in written research-based presentations above) outlining the particular research focus in relation to this topic. The co-ordinator is responsible for co-ordinating all proposals for the panel and these are forwarded together. The panel is assessed as a whole and will be allotted one hour in the programme, including discussion.  


3. Lecture Demonstrations

Lecture-demonstrations relating to the theme of the conference are welcome.  These will be programmed for the duration of 45 minutes including a 15-minute discussion.


4. Dance Workshops

Proposals for dance workshops concerning any dance genre are welcome.  These will be programmed for 1 hour.


5. Performance Contributions

The Programme Committee are also interested to hear from Artists / Companies interested in contributing to an evening performance programme. Performances can take the form of solos, duets or small ensembles, and can be based in any genre. Performance contributions should address the theme of the conference.


Please complete the Proposal Form below, stating clearly your presentation format.   


Proposal Form


Dance Research Forum Ireland’s 7th International Conference

In association with Limerick Institute of Technology


Power, Politics, and the Dancing Body


Thursday June 28 to Sunday 1st July 2018

In Association with Limerick Institute of Technology


First Call for Proposals – January 2018

Submission Deadline – Wednesday 14th February 2018



Name:             _________________ 



Institutional and/or Artistic Affiliation, if any:           _________________     





Address:         ____________________________________________________________



Email:              ____________________________________________________________


Telephone:      ____________________________________________________________


State Presentation Format: __________________________________________________

(If panel presentation, please give title of panel also)



Title of Presentation:   ______________________________________________________



Audio-Visual Needs: ______________________________________________________



Space Requirements, if any: ________________________________________________



Technical Requirements:         ________________________________________________ 



Biography of Presenter:














Proposal Abstract:



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