Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Alice Sheppard/Kinetic Light @ NYLA: Seeking ushers

Andromeda and Venus, reimagined as interracial lovers, claim their desire as wheels fly within inches of the ramp’s edges

On behalf of Alice Sheppard/Kinetic Light, we are in search of up to 9 volunteer ushers (3 per night) who will be able to assist us during the New York City premiere of DESCENT at New York Live Arts this month. Each show offers 60 minutes of performance, and a 20 minute intermission during the following dates and times:

Thursday March 22, 2018 @ 7:30pm
Friday March 23, 2018 @ 7:30pm
Saturday March 24, 2018 @ 7:30pm

DESCENT is an accessible experience; each performance includes front row wheelchair seating, ASL announcements, and audio description. Therefore, ushers are required to attend the Kinetic Light/NYLA Accessibility and Hospitality Training on Monday March 19, 2018 (Time TBA, will be in the evening)

Ushers may volunteer for more than one show, if their availability allows and performances are free for volunteers.
For questions, concerns, and inquiries please contact me directly, including your name, contact information, preferred date(s) to volunteer, and confirmaiton of Hospitality Training attendance.

Connect with me in following formats:
Jenée-Daria Strand 
phone/tel: (718) 775-5518

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