Thursday, March 1, 2018

WORKSHOP AUDITION with Enzo Celli - VIVO Ballet

Elisabetta Minutoli in Irritante by Enzo Celli Benny Sammarco

Enzo Celli – VIVO Ballet is looking to cast dancers for the company based in NYC.

VIVO Ballet is holding a two-day Workshop / Audition on March 15th and 16th at Spaceworks Long Island City and select dancers will be invited to attend the call back on March 17th.

March 15th – 16th 2018 Workshop / Audition, 10am – 12pm total fee $50
March 17 Call Back 10am – 12pm (no fee)

Choreographer Enzo Celli is looking for dancers with a theatrical instinct, improvisational skills and strong training in contemporary dance. Dancers who have special skills, distinct athletic skills or have a background in breakdancing, hip hop, capoeira or anything that is interesting for the artistic direction are highly encouraged to apply. However, the audition is open to all professional dancers. Debut in May 2018.

To apply, please email with the subject “Workshop / Audition NYC 2018” and a cover letter in the body of the email.

Please include:
– Resume
– Two headshots
– Video reel
– PayPal payment of $50 (plus PayPal fee) to
– Specify if you want to be selected for special skills

March 15th
Enzo Celli Repertoire

March 16th
Contemporary class with Enzo Celli.
At the end of the class the dancers with special skills will be seen.



Spaceworks Long Island City

33-02 Skillman Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101

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