Wednesday, April 11, 2018

WANTED: Dancers + Movement Artists

Sans Limites Dance Sans Limites Dance

On April 13th + April 27th + May 4th + May 11th (all Fridays at 6:15PM) -- Diana of Sans Limites Dance will bring participants through "Different Dances: a Mind-Body Connection Experiment" at Arts On Site (12 St. Marks Place). 

Dancers and Movement Artists interested in working with Diana in the development of new and remounted works -- with performance opportunities on May (18th + 19th), June (1st + 2nd) and September (4th - 6th) -- are encouraged to take the course. 

General Admission is $10. However, Dancers/Movement Artists are encouraged to "pay what they wish"/"pay what they can afford". 

If you will be attending, please send an e-mail to Diana ( with: (1) a brief introduction of yourself, (2) headshot or full-body photograph, (3) the date(s) you plan on attending the course, and (4) any questions you may have.

Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you there!

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