Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Present at SMUSH Moves, Vol 3 on August 30!

Perform at SMUSH Moves, Vol 3, an up-close-and-personal evening of dance and performance hosted by SMUSH Gallery, one of Jersey City's newest art spaces!
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Time commitment for performers: 6:30-9:30p
Performance: 8:00p
Location: 340 Summit Ave, Jersey City (10 minutes' walk from the Journal Square PATH station)
SMUSH Moves - Know Before You Apply:
- this event is for dance and other movement-based performance (broad interpretations welcome!)
- $10 application fee, no production fee
- 10 minutes max preferred
- venue is small (9''x16' performance space, 3/4 thrust style) and low tech (no theatrical lighting) - please plan accordingly
- Performers and choreographers are kindly asked to stay for the entire performance and the beginning of the reception
- SMUSH Gallery may photograph or video record the performance; any recordings will be made available to performers
- Performers are welcome to record their own performances if they wish
- Applications are accepted through Wednesday, July 25; notification will be given by Wednesday, August 1
- questions may be directed to Katelyn (hello@smushgallery.com)
SMUSH Gallery
340 Summit Ave
Jersey City, NJ, 07306
For more information: