Saturday, July 28, 2018

$500 Total Awards for Dance Video to (TrumpInHood) Song

TrumpInHood Image Greg Walker



Video Dance-Off

Are you a talented/creative Dancer? $500 total award money

to invent “The Trump In Hood,” DANCE!

1st PLACE $300 and 2 $100 2nd place

Create the TrumpInHood dance video to song “TrumpInHood” must be original. Also “The Tale Tell” song.

Any style with prefer masks of Trump, Putin, Kim Jung Un or any combination of these but Trump must be included.

It may be humorous or serious dance routine, solo, duo, etc.

Listen to songs at


No vulgar or profane gestures. No nudity or anything that displays poor judgement or taste. Just entertainment at it’s finest.

Open to men and women.

Top 3 winners will be posted on Tommy WordSmith’s youtube channel to promote his songs. Along with the top ten videos.

Find music at and record in while performing video, if you need a better clearer version of song, you may contact by email address below, with “download request” in the subject line.

The songs to perform are “TrumpInHood and The Tale Tell”

Submit Videos to winners will be notified via email. Use this email also for “download music” request.

Contest open dates now until September 30th, 2018. Winners will receive payment via Fedex mail, or Western Union. On October 6th, 2018.

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