Friday, November 23, 2018
Call For Choreographers - Small Plates Choreography Festival - Metuchen, NJ
Company: Small Plates Choreography Festival
Location: Newburgh, NY
Compensation: Complimentary tickets, photo and video documentation
Small Plates Choreography Festival - Hosted by ~mignolo~
Applications are open for Small Plates Choreography Festival, a curated dance performance series to be presented on May 11, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. and at 8:00 p.m. at ~mignolo arts center~ 272 Lake Avenue, Metuchen, NJ, 08840. All choreographers of any genre interested in presenting work in a brand new arts center in Metuchen, NJ are welcome to apply.
~mignolo arts center~ performance space seats approximately 50 people. The dimensions of the performance area are approximately 33' wide x 40' deep with proscenium presentation. The performance is low-tech and somewhat informal.
Ensemble dance works no longer than 10 minutes long will be considered, solos works no longer than 8 minutes. Work that is over time will not be considered. Completed work will be given priority over works-in-progress or proposed work, but all applications will be given full consideration by our panel.
Small Plates creates a growth environment by facilitating feedback sessions with the audience after each performance. This artist/audience interface is what makes Small Plates truly special.
An application fee of $10.00 per piece is required. Your fee must be paid before your work will be considered. Choreographers who have their work chosen will be given one complimentary ticket to each performance, and are expected to help populate the audience by bringing at least two paid patrons to each performance in which their work appears. Choreographers will also receive a video and photographs of their work after the show.
Dancers and choreographers must be available for technical rehearsal at at 10:00 a.m. for the afternoon performance and 12:00 noon for the evening performance.
The deadline to apply is March 1, 2019. You will be notified by email on or before March 15 with our decision of acceptance or rejection. If your piece is accepted, you will have one week after you receive our email to submit your program information, technical information, publicity photos, and sound file in order to confirm your participation.
To apply, please complete the entire form on this page and pay the application fee.
For further information, please email
Small Plates Choreography Festival
97 Enterprise Dr. PO Box 10667
Newburgh, NY, 12552
For more information:
Beth Elliott