Monday, December 10, 2018

Casting NYU Thesis Film

M0 Concept Art Julian Alvarez

We are a team of student filmmakers from NYU casting an undergraduate senior thesis short film called "Techno Scrap," a narrative about a robot farmhand named M0 ("Mo") who develops a longing for human connection after receiving a hug from his owner's daughter. We are casting M0.

M0's costume, which is being constructed by the performance group Big Nazo, will limit the actor's performance to sole physicality. It is a storytelling challenge for the performer, and also an opportunity for a collaboration between film and dance. 

The shoot will take place March 1-8, 2019, on a farm at the east end of Long Island.

We want to extend our casting call to the immense amount of physical performance talent in NYC. Please email for more information or to set up an audition!

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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