Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Multidisciplinary Showing for Works In Progress (Feb 16)

In Progress Hayley Fallon

‘In Progress’ is an open, generous, and safe space for artists of different mediums to show works in progress. We are looking to build a supportive community of creative people who can meet and exchange ideas. Held bi-monthly, this show is non-curated with little to no production.

-'In Progress' will take place on February 16, 2019 at 7:00pm in Brooklyn.

-Each work has a time restriction of ten minutes.

-This is a space to show works in progress, nothing needs to be complete; we do not want to create a competitive, stressful environment.

-Past participants have included dancers, comedians, visual artists, poets, filmmakers, martial artists, improvisers, musicians. All creatives welcome!


Please Submit to nycinprogress@gmail.com:

-Links to website, vimeo, instagram, etc. that represent your artistic interests.

-A video or description of your work, along with music, production needs, and props.



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