Friday, July 26, 2019

Various Internship Opportunities: Non-Profit Inclusive Dance Program

Images of children in dance class, text describes internship positions and contact info

For over a decade, our unique non-profit program has been making dance accessible for ALL children, regardless of abilities or disabilities.

We are looking for highly motivated, compassionate, and articulate team-members to help us expand our reach to all deserving kids. Gain valuable work experience in your field of study! We strive to make the internship a valuable experience; interns have a lot of independence and flexibility, but we also make sure they have structure and mentor-ship that is catered to their specific interests.

Positions are flexible and most work is done remotely. ~6-10+ hrs/wk, minimum 6 months

Currently looking for interns in the following areas:

1. Marketing and Communications (includes social media, research, outreach, marketing campaigns, etc)

2. Non-Profit Development (includes research, database management, business planning, fundraising, grants, etc)

3. Volunteer Management (includes database and scheduling management, onboarding and training, communications, outreach, etc)

4. Web Design 

Interested? Send us your qualifications and interests:

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