Friday, September 20, 2019
JMBT Work-Study Exchange
Company: Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Compensation: 3 free classes per shift, and 2 complimentary tickets to our performances.
Work-study positions offer three free classes for each three-hour shift. Work-Study students are also eligible to receive 2 complimentary tickets to our performances. A three-month commitment is required for work-study positions. Work-study includes the following duties: reception, registration, organization, and other tasks as requested.
Cambridge Studio: 400 Harvard Street, Cambridge (in Harvard Square)
Basic customer service skills
Basic knowledge of Google and Microsoft Office Suites
Strong written and verbal communication skills for a wide range of diverse professionals, people, and institutional contacts---that embody the values of José Mateo Ballet Theatre.
Strong organizational skills
Interest in project management and administrative experiences in dance
How To Apply:
Please follow the link to apply:
Feel free to email gdomb@ballettheatre or call 617-354-7467 ext 100 with any questions.
We will be in touch shortly after you complete the application.
Thank you!
Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre
400 Harvard Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138
For more information:
Gabrielle Domb