Monday, October 7, 2019

DanceAction is looking for ushers and volunteers for BLINDSPOT

DanceAction BLINDSPOT Stephen Delas Heras/Graphic Design Rosario Caceres

DanceAction is a contemporary dance company based in New York, led by Argentinian artist Carmen Caceres. We are currently looking for volunteers to participate as ushers and helpers during the premiere of our last project BLINDSPOT on Friday October 25, 2019 at 7:30pm. BLINDSPOT is an immersive dance performance inspired by George Orwell's novel "1984."  This is a unique opportunity to be part of this immersive experience in its single night performance, and also to learn more about the work behind the scenes of a contemporary dance company. In exchange for their help, participants will be able to watch the performance and the tech rehearsal of the show on the night before the event. Volunteers can assist in any of the following areas:
Box Office/Donations Assistant/ Merchandise: Welcome guests, check tickets, sell tickets, take attendance. Set up donations table and assist guests on how to make donations or buying merchandise. Date: 10/25 from 6 to 10pm
Food & Beverages: Set up Table with food & drinks, serve drinks, clean up. Date: 10/25 from 6 to 10pm
Ushers: Welcome & Guide audience members to their seats, give away programs. Assist with any needs regarding the performance and/or tech rehearsal. Dates: 10/24 from 6 to 10pm or 10/25 from 6 to 10pm
Media Assistant: Assist media artists in both video projections and live feed video equipment setting and functioning. Dates: 10/24 from 6 to 10pm or 10/25 from 6 to 10pm

If you are interested in participating in this opportunity, please email me at


Based on George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, BLINDSPOT is a live dance and multimedia piece. In this work, the slogan of the party, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength,” is translated into a movement narrative that includes live music and media projections to create an immersive multimedia experience for the audience.

Friday October 25 at 7:30 pm

Mark Morris Dance Center

James and Martha Duffy Performance Space

3 Lafayette Avenue 5th floor, Brooklyn, NY

General Admission: $35

Artists/Students (with ID): $30

Choreography: Carmen Caceres (in collaboration with the dancers)

Dancers: Amy Liou, Ashley Zimmerman, Aviya Hernstadt, Carmen Caceres, Nicole Rae Jones, Paige Louise Stella, Sarah Olsen, and Thomas Gunderson Bond

Music: Eran Fink

Media Artists: Sriya Sarkar & Devin Southard

Set design/Architect: Vadit Suwatcharapinun

Graphic Design Assistance: Rosario Caceres

BLINDSPOT is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).

About DanceAction:

DanceAction is a contemporary dance company based in New York, led by Argentinian choreographer Carmen Caceres. Our culturally diverse team is comprised of artists from several disciplines such as dance, music, drama, media, and visual arts. Together we create dance works that reflect social realities that concern people, relationships, and social justice. Our primary purpose is to interpret these issues and use our works to propel change.

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