Friday, December 20, 2019

Bully the Bully: Artists Against Hate - January 2020 Performance

poster Julia Neveu


Rehearsals in Queens and Manhattan. Performance in Manhattan. 

Email TAINOTHEATRE@GMAIL.COM confirming your availability, cover letter, video reels, and headshots. 

Production Description

A politically-charged original mixed media work featuring poets, scenes, and dance. This show drives home the importance of human connection and kindness in a world run by bullies and hate. Focusing on the issues of Black Lives Matter, Misigony, Discrimination, and Gay rights. A celebration of culture and how our appeared differences make us stronger.

Taino Theatre's mentoring Program SELTA: Social and Emotional Learning Through the Arts partners with local schools for a scene writing contest and mentoring program in which the winners' scene will be performed as a part of the show.


Lisa - A no-nonsense Latino mother deeply rooted in her home and her family; fluency in Spanish and singing a plus. A pivotal figure in her scene.

Mike - Lisa's son. The voice of reason, unless he's thinking about his date tonight. A true dancer/actor track. Must be proficient in break dancing / house / street styles; this role carries a scene as well as a dance number.

E.J - African American. E.J is Mike's best friend. Authentic city kid, loyal to his family. Faced with the choice to pursue dance or academics. Must be proficient in break dancing, house, hip hop and other street styles. This role carries a scene as well as a dance number.

Female Dance Partner - Must have experience in salsa, tango, or ballet. Must have done serious past experience with partner work, including theatre arts and lifts and tricks. Under 5'6.

Break Dancers - Seeking experienced break dancers and breaking/hip hop crews for club scene. All ethnicities, all genders.


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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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