Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Musical Collaborators Needed!
Company: Lîla Artists
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Compensation: TBD upon commitment to the project
Lîla Artists is looking for musical collaborators for their upcoming show that will premier in the summer of 2020. The show is a queer imagining of a living Burlesque archive, drawing on the theater of the absurd, referencing the political climate in NYC during the AIDS epidemic, and looking toward the current political and ecological crisis as a way to consider an alternative way of moving foward.
Lîla Artists is looking for 3-5 highly skilled musicians to co-create this integral part of the work, to build a musical experience alongside the other elements of the performance.
Musicians should feel comfortable improvising and interacting with other performers and audience members on stage.
Lîla Artists
Brooklyn, NY, 11238
For more information:
Zoe Galle