Tuesday, December 10, 2019
New Chamber Ballet Open Workshop & Audition
New Chamber Ballet is seeking advanced professional female-identifying ballet dancers to participate in a two-day workshop, which can serve as an audition for a permanent position with the company.
We are looking for dancers who are 5’7” or taller with excellent pointework, who demonstrate strong artistry and a desire to collaborate and experiment with new work in contemporary ballet. Applicants should be comfortable in various classical and contemporary styles; partnering experience is a plus. New Chamber Ballet is based in New York City, and presents performances of new work September-June each year in New York and throughout the US and abroad, with all performances consistently compensated.
Workshop dates:
Mon 1/6, 10am-3pm;
Tue 1/7, 10am-3pm.
The workshop is free, and participants may use it as an audition, or simply attend for an intensive learning experience. Each day will begin with a technique class developed by Artistic Director Miro Magloire and the company, which includes floorwork exercises and a pointe-focused center. Class is followed by a repertory workshop which will vary each day.
To apply, please send your resume, headshot or dance photo, and a link to a recent video of yourself dancing to mail@newchamberballet.com by Thursday, January 2nd. The number of workshop participants is limited, and pre-registration is required. We prefer that all dancers attend both days of the workshop, but if you would like to attend and have a scheduling conflict, please let us know in your application email and we will take that into consideration.
We look forward to working with you in the studio!
New Chamber Ballet
For more information:
Miro Magloire